Let's face it, Ibiza is an expensive place. In order to spend freely on the island, it makes sense to spend as little as possible getting there. Furthermore, there isn't a single person who goes to Ibiza for a week who doesn't want to return later in the season for a cheeky weekend. But more often than not, the biggest obstacle to making this a reality is flight prices. Flights can eat up a sizable percentage of your travel budget, but it doesn't have to be that way. Here are Addicted's tips for saving some cash:

Airport 1. Think about when to buy: get your tickets on a Tuesday or Wednesday

Airline prices fluctuate frequently according to how much demand there is for flights on a particular day, but there are some patterns to these fluctuations that you can take advantage of. Airlines mostly make decisions to discount flights with low demand on a Monday. These reduced prices go live on a Monday night and competitors match these prices on Tuesday. You need to buy quickly – by Wednesday night the cheapest fares have often sold out. The Wall Street Journal did research proving this strategy could save you 15-25%

2. Think about when to fly: travel mid-week for cheaper seats

People want to fly to Ibiza on a Friday night after work and fly back home on a Sunday evening, meaning all flights in that 48-hour period will be ridiculously expensive. If you are going to Ibiza for a week, consider Wednesday to Wednesday rather than Saturday to Saturday and you could save over 50% on your flights.

Thinking more specifically about Ibiza, all villas have Saturday changeover days. This means demand for Saturday flights will be huge, giving airlines the power to increase prices. Fewer people want to fly on a Thursday night, so if you are staying in a villa consider going early and staying in a hotel. The amount you save on the flight could cover your accommodation.

3. Compare all airlines and check multiple weekend 

Budget airlines aren't always the cheapest, so be sure to check full-service and charter carriers too. Addicted always looks at Skyscanner before flying to Ibiza, as you can search across all airlines and dates to find the best time and price in a given month to fly. Click here to check for yourself.

With all the money you save for your trip, you'll have even more to spend on pre-ibiza champagne in the airport bar. Addicted might fly budget, but we are certainly not cheap.