Why write a review when you can twitter? That's what we thought on Saturday 8th August 2009 when Addicted jumped in the car from Ibiza town and made our way across the island to the Zoo Project. Located at the abandoned zoo just outside San Antonio, the Zoo Project is taking over the reins from DC-10 as Ibiza's daytime party of choice, combining crazy fancy dress and top-notch music as the sun goes down. Addicted twittered our way through the party, and here's a run-down of our thoughts from twitter.com/addictedtoibiza Novelty animal nose, check! We're on our way to the Zoo Project
In the car and searching for Ses Paises in Benimussa. Where the hell is it? I've been in and out of San Antonio three times now!
Found it, right behind the petrol station on the main road from Eivissa. Nice.
Every voice around me is speaking in English, Addicted has definitely landed in San Antonio! ¿Donde esta los españoles?
Seriously good and inventive zoo costumes all around – everyone has properly gone for it! Impressed.
Decent drinks prices, are we really in Ibiza?
Beware of chavs! Are we in Manchester or are we in Ibiza?
BBQ is amazing! Don't eat before you come here. It's worth it.
Interesting Sangria. Hate to be posh, but it could do with some fruit!
So. Many. Photo. Ops.
Getting a massage next to a zebra (not a real one)
Why did I bring the car? I want a jug of safari-themed cocktails!
Dancing outside to crazy beats as the sun sets. Is this what Space was like in the glory days?
Wishing I put more effort into the costume. Surrounded on the outdoor dancefloor by tarzan, three bodypainted leopards and a legion of girls in various animal bikinis
The sun goes down… and the crowd erupts!
As always, the Spanish arrive fashionably late. I hear español all around. Looks like we're not in Manchester after all!
Discovered after four hours: a silent disco in a bouncy castle maze! Addicted thinks there is a good case for making every disco silent. Best fun ever.
This silent disco might go down as the coolest dancing moment in the history box.
This place rocks. Don't believe the hype, the island is certainly not dead!
Is this the most exciting club in Ibiza right now? Definitely. By consequence, is this the most exciting club in the world right now? Very possibly.
In conclusion, the Zoo Project is a must do. It's welcome relief from the crazy prices and insane crowds of the big clubs, and more fun than you can possibly imagine. This place is going to become an Ibiza institution in a few years, mark our words. Go before everyone else does.
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